

Inaguration of ISTE workshop on Research Methodologies by Shri.Kapil Sibal, Minister of HRD.

Anurag Group Of Institutions is a remote center of IIT Bombay for conducting a two week ISTE workshop on Research Methodologies sponsored by MHRD, under the National Mission on Education through ICT, Govt. of India from 25/06/2012 To 04/07/2012.

Prof. Uday Gaitonde, IIT Bombay
Prof. Sahana Murthy, IIT Bombay
Prof Santosh Noronha, IIT Bombay from June 25th, 2012 to July 4th, 2012

Research Methodologies is being recommended by AICTE to be a compulsory core subject for all ME/M.Tech programmes in the country. The syllabus is currently being drafted by a committee at AICTE. It is therefore important, that a large number of teachers should be able to teach this subject, or at least be fully conversant with the basic concepts..


This course will provide an introduction to research for scientists and engineers. The goal of the course is to take a researcher through the various aspects and steps of a research project. Topics covered in the course are classified into the following main categories:

  • Productive Thinking Skills
  • Scientific Method and Experimentation Skills
  • Communication Skills – Written and Oral
  • Management of research – time management, stress management, professional ethics

Teaching Methodology:

The course will consist of lectures and several interactive sessions. There will be tutorials and practical sessions wherein participants will get an opportunity to apply the research methodologies and skills discussed, to address research problems. Participants will work on several exercises individually and in teams.

No. of Participants:195 from various engineering colleges in Ranga Reddy District and Anurag Group of Institutions.

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