B.Tech I Year Admission Fee Details
- Application form Cost Rs. 100/-
- Admission Fee Rs. 5,500/- (As per GO Ms. No. 57, dated: 06.07.2013)
- Examination Infrastructure Fees Rs. 2000/- (Autonomous Fee)
- Accreditation Fee for Rs. 3,000/- (for CSE, ECE & EEE Courses Only)
- Book Bank Rs. 4,000/- (Optional)
Required Books will be given for the entire four years - Transportation fee (Optional) for details contact Mr.Anil Reddy: 9030080885
- Student Insurance (Will be Informed on orientation Day)
- Professional Bodies Membership Fee
Special Fee Structure
I Year
S.No | Fee Particulars | Amount |
1 | Admission/ Recognition / Registration | 2000/- |
2 | Students Special Services (Details are given in the G.O) |
1000/- |
3 | University Infrastructure Fee | 1500/- |
4 | Library and Laboratories | 1000/- |
5 | Examination Infrastructure Fee (Autonomous) | 2000/- |
Total | 7,500/- |
Accreditation Fee
S.No | Fee Particulars | Amount |
1 | Accreditation Fee for Only CSE, ECE & EEE Courses | 3000/- |
Total | 3000/- |
Rs. 4,000/- (Rupees Four Thousands Only) for Four Years.
- One prescribed book will be given for each subject.
- After completion of examinations the new books will be issued against the receipt of earlier books.
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