The Students who have been allotted into I year B.Tech courses in CVSR College of Engineering through web counseling have to submit the following. 1) Web Allotment Letter 2) Original Certificates Receipt 3) Bank Challan for Counselling Fee 4) Filled in Application Form with 5 Photographs 5) Xerox Copies of all the Certificates FEE PARTICULARS […]
The orientation program for I B.Tech. is scheduled on 10-09-09 at 11 A.M
Orientation Program on 10-09-09 Branch Timing Place In charge Orientation Program -I 11.00 A.M. Seminar Hall, A Block Mr. K. S. Chalapathi Orientation Program – II 2.00 P.M. Download the Schedule : orientationprogram-2009

Workshop on Teaching Skills to Faculty
A workshop was organised for the skill upgradation of the teaching faculty in the CVSR Campus on 25-July-2009. The lectures were delivered by 1) Mr. Srinivas, Faculty of English on Learning methodologies and effective teaching, 2) Mr. Vishnu Murty, Head, Department of CSE on Theory of Computing 3) Mrs. Radhika, Faculty, Department of ECE on Microprocessors Faculty […]
A Seminar on Goal Setting
On 4th March 2009 the college organized a seminar on goal setting. where the students were made to realize their strength and decide their goals.
National Science Day Celebrations
On 28th Febraury, 09, Prof. K Rama Reddy, Director, C.V.S.R College of Engineering has motivated the students towards scientific thinking. Prof. M Bhagwanth Rao, Principal has inspired the students by giving examples of famous scientists and their works.

Aagama’09 a National Level Technical Fest
Aagama’09 a National Level Technical Fest was organsed on 20th & 21st of February, 09. The event was organised by all the departments – CSE, ECE, IT, EEE, Mech. And Chemical with competitions organised across the spectrum of technologies. The Fest was a grand success with more than 1000 students participating from colleges spread across […]
AICTE sponsored National Level Workshop on Data Warehousing & Data Mining
A two day National Level Workshop on Data Warehousing & Data Mining was organised by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering on 13th & 14th Feb., 09. The workshop is sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi. Participants from colleges in Andhra Pradesh and other states have attended the workshop. The Workshop was inaugurated by Prof. […]
A State Level Quiz Programme on Traffic Awareness
The NSS wing of CVSR College of Engineering conducted A state level quiz programme on “Traffic Awareness”, which aims at bringing the awareness of road safety thus reducing the road accidents on 7th February 2009. Mr. Ashok Assistant commissioner of Police, Traffic, LB Nagar, was the Chief Guest. 122 teams from various colleges have participated […]