CVSR-CSI Student chapter organized a one day workshop on “Information security and Education Awareness” on 25th Feb 2014.
This workshop was conducted for student’s of III year CSE and around 120 students were participated. Mr.P.Ram, Consultant Software Architect delivered lecture during this session. About the Speaker : 14 + years experience in the development and implementation of integrated systems in various positions of increasing responsibility and scope from software programming to management. Experience […]

National Youth Policy & Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan on 21st February, 2013.
National Youth Policy-2014 (NYP-2014) and Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan (RGKA) Programme(s) for development and empowerment of Youth and promotion of sports in the country, the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, New Delhi to launch them Nation-wide On 21st February, 2014 at 3.00 p.m. As per the instructions of the NSS Regional Centre, JNT University […]

MotivationalSession to take up societal and technological challenges & TGMC on Feb 13th 2014
A Motivational Session to take up changing and challenging needs of society and technologyand Latest trends in Mobile Application Development and “IBM Worklight” a cross mobile platform development environment, was conducted on13-02-2014 by Mr.Lawrence, Relationship Manager, Academic Initiative, South & West India, IBM. 230 students from II B.Tech CSE are part of this session. Mr. […]

One day workshop was conducted on Jan 27th 2014 for II, III and IV B.Tech (CSE) Students By Mr.Yuktesh, IT Specialist, Academic Initiative, IBM.
One day workshop on IBM Worklight In a mobile development platform, cross-platform portability of the application code is critical for mobile app development. A variety of methodologies exist to achieve this portability. IBM Worklight enables the development of rich multiplatform applications using its mobile development studio to address the unique requirements of the organization. Mobile […]

Mrs.G.M.Anitha Priyaarshini & Mr. .D.Narendersingh attended 3 days international conference.

Institution of Engineers (India) Student Chapter Inauguration
Mechanical Engineering Student chapter of Institution of Engineers (India) was inaugurated on 9th Jan 2014 by Prof. M. Kamalakar, Hon. Secretary, IE (I) – AP State Center, Hyderabad. Lighting the lamp by Prof. M. Kamalakar Guest Lecture on Value Engineering for Developing Optimum Specifications by Prof. M. Kamalakar Student members of IE Chapter with Prof. […]

Red Hat Academy Inauguration at Anurag Group of Institutions on Jan-08-2014 by CSE department.
THE ANURAG GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS ENTERED MOU WITH RED HAT PVT. LTD. The Anurag Group of Institutions entered MOU with Red Hat Pvt. Ltd, to set up Red Hat Academy in the College premises on 08/01/2014. The major Activities of Red Hat Academy is to train the Faculty and Students on Linux System Administration Courses, […]

Chief guest: D.DURGA PRASAD 2nd Metropoliton Megistrate & Principal Magistrate (Juvenile Justice Board), and N.SATYANARAYANAREDDY,MAITHILY,SHANTHI,G.SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSS,RAVIKUMAR,VENKESHWARLU And From Anurag college 300 students and Nss programme Officer C.Mallesh and Principal Prof.M.Mutha reddy, Vital hod civil, dr.sabitha hod mba, ravinder rao hod mca, chalapathi hod mechanical and nss volunteers sandeep, abiram reddy,manish,sravan,chandan,masthan,deeraj.

Alumni Meet 2014: on 4th Jan 2014.
Dr. P. Rajeshwar Reddy, Chairman, Prof. M. Mutha Reddy, Principal, Prof. M. Bhagvanth Rao, Director and all HODs on the dais during Alumni Meet 2014.