

International Women’s Day Celebrations-2016 on 8th March,2016.

Women’s Day Celebrations-2016 Theme: “Step It Up for Gender Equality” at Anurag Group of Institutions Conducted By National Service Scheme, Chief guest:Manju Latha Kalanidhi ,City Editor at The New Indian Express newspaper, Hyderabad. Prof.M.Bhagavanth Rao, Director, Prof.M.Mutha Reddy Principal, Dr.G.Anatha Lakshmi,HOD English Department, Faculty Coordinators for the Programme : Sarika Choudary,Prathibha, C.Mallesh NSS Programme Officer.

Startup Weekend Hyderabad

Startup Weekend Hyderabad is a entrepreneurial platform where people pitch their ideas in 60 seconds or less. After enough marketing and advertising, the Top 10 Ideas are selected by voting and are given 54 hours of time to show the judges an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) at the end of the 2nd day. The”Startup Weekend […]

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National Android Developer Championship-2016

DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ANURAG ANDROID CLUB National Android Developer Challenge 2016 (NADC-16) Under the Anurag Android Club, a Two days National Level workshop on “Android Application Development” was held on Jan 22 and 23, 2015 in lab-1 as the first stage of National Android Developer Challenge 2016 (NADC-16) to be held at […]