
Anurag Group of Institutions NSS Programme Officer C.Mallesh and Volunteer:V.vaishanavi awarded as Prakriti mithra and Prakrithi rakshak on 7/9/2016 at Malla reddy Engineering college Chief guest:R.Gokulkrishnan Reginal Dierector,NSS and Dr.MSN Reddy State Liaison Officer,NSS and Cine Anchor and acctress Janshi and college principal and Bharath today chief editor participated.
As part of Environment Protection Anurag Group of Institution, National Service Scheme Organized 2 weeks Clay Ganesha awareness Programme and distributed 146 Clay Ganesha Idols to the Faculty, Students and nearby village people and given them awareness on Importance of Environment protection by eco-friendly ganesha. Chief Guests: Prof. K. Rama Reddy, Senior Director, Prof.M.Mutha Reddy, […]
Two-Day Workshop On “Web Technologies” Conducted under CSI Student Chapter on 30th & 31st August, 2016 By Mr.D.Ram Shankar, Technical trainer, I-Techno Guru, Hyderabad, for III & IV B.Tech I Sem IT Students.
Panel Discussion on Need of the hour – Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship- 24/8/2016 A Panel Discussion on “Need of the hour – Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship” was organized by Aavishkaran – Entrepreneurship Development Cell of Anurag Group of Institutions on 24/8/2016, The panelists were Entrepreneur Catalysts from Col BS Rao (Retd) – Consultant & Trainer, Elan Leadership, […]
Anurag Group of Institutions NSS Organized Orientation programme for newly joined NSS volunteers for this academic year 2016-2017.Total 362 volunteers from all the departments had participated. Chief guest:R.Gokulkrishnan,Reginal Director,R.D.NSS, Hyderabad ,Govt.of India. Guest of Honor: Prof.ML Sai Kumar,Retd.Dean,IPE In this programme Principal & Chairman ,NSS :Prof.M.Mutha reddy, NSS Programme offiers C.Mallesh and G.Mamatha, ,M.Srinivasa Rao, […]
C.Mallesh, NSS Programme Officer Anurag Group of Institutions Selected from Telangana State to Participate Training of Trainers Programme on “Social Harmony, National Unity and Human Rights” organized by Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD) in collaboration with Regional Directorate of NSS, Bangalore, Karnataka State at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore from 27th to […]