
NOTICE for I Year B.Tech Students.

The Students who have been allotted into I year B.Tech courses in Anurag Group of Institutions (Formerly CVSR College of Engineering) through web counseling have to submit the following. Web Allotment Letter Original Certificates Receipt Bank Challan for Counselling Fee Filled in Application Form with 5 Photographs Xerox Copies of all the Certificates

Fee Particulars

B.Tech I Year Admission Fee Details

FEE PARTICULARS Application form Cost Rs. 100/- Admission Fee Rs. 5,500/- (As per GO Ms. No. 57, dated: 06.07.2013) Examination Infrastructure Fees Rs. 2000/- (Autonomous Fee) Accreditation Fee for Rs. 3,000/- (for CSE, ECE & EEE Courses Only) Book Bank Rs. 4,000/- (Optional) Required Books will be given for the entire four years Transportation fee […]