Pharm D(PB) Examination scheduled on wednesday postponed to Tuesday( 27th August ).
I M.Tech and I M.Pharmacy I Semester Results
I M.Tech I Semester Results CAD CAM CS CSE ECE EPS ES PEED SE Structural Engg VLSI System Design I M.Pharmacy I Semester Results HCP IP PA&QA Pharmaceutices Pharmacology
Ist-B.Tech / Ist-B.Pharm II Semester Examination Notification And Time Table.
I-B.Tech II Semester Examination Notification And Time Table. I-B.TECH-II-SEM EXAM NOTIFICATION I-B.TECH-II-SEMESTER EXTERNAL EXAM TIMETABLE I-B.Pharm II Semister Examination Notification And Time Table. I-B.Pharmacy-II-SEM EXAM NOTIFICATION I-B.Pharmacy-II-SEM Schedule Circular
Revaluation and Recounting / Circular
All the students of I -B.Tech & I-B.Pharmacy I semester are hereby informed that their results are displayed in college website. The students those who intend to apply for the revaluation and recounting must submit the application in the prescribed proforma with the payment of the following fee on or before 10th April, 2013. 1. […]
Results I B.Tech I Sem Examination Jan/Feb 2012
I B.Tech I Sem Examination Results Jan/Feb 2012 Civil EEE Mech ECE CSE Chem IT

ISTE One-Day Programme on Ramanujam Mathematical Awareness Programme on March 2nd,2013.

Alumni Meet 2011
This year CVSR Alumni Meet was organized on January 15 bringing a new flavor to Sankranthi. CVSR Alumni has come from across the world and the event was full of joy, energy and enthusiasm. Over 150 students have attended the meet and shared their experiences and assured that the Alumni Association would be made as […]