ISTE (Indian Society for Technical Education)
- Inauguration of ISTE Student Chapter on 23rd April 2012 by Prof. D.N.Reddy, Guest of Honour.
- The ISTE Student Chapter was inaugurated by Prof. D.N.Reddy, Former V.C., JNTU-H., Chairman ISTE, A.P. Section, and UGC Board Member on 23.04.2012, in his inaugural speech he emphasized on the quality technical education and role of Professional chapters. Prof. M. Bhagvanth Rao, Director & Chairman of local ISTE Chapter, Dr. K.S. Rao, Director of the Institution, Prof. M. Mutha Reddy, Principal & G.Vishnu Murthy, HOD, CSE and Secretary ISTE Local Chapter graced the occasion.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
- Inauguration of IEEE Student Chapter on 28th July 2012 by Dr. Atul Negi, Professor University of Hyderabad, Dept. of. Computer and Information Sciences.
- ‘Anurag Group of Institutions’ – IEEE student branch was inaugurated on 28th July 2012 by Dr Atul Negi, Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Hyderabad and Chair, IEEE, Hyderabad section.more …
CSI (Computer Society of India)
- A seminar on “DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING” was conducted on 25th AND 26th February 2013 in Anurag Group of Institutions.
- Dr.G.R.Simha professor(ETC) of Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus delivered the seminar on day1 i.e 25th February 2013 Morning session was from 10:00 pm to 12:30 pm. The seminar was started with the introduction to the concepts of “motivational skills”&”top hiring skills” in which he covered more ..