
TWO-WEEK ISTE WORKSHOP ON Database Management Systems ( 21st-31st May 2013)

Two week ISTE workshop for Teachers on DBMS has commenced. 62 participants from various colleges are attending this workshop.This workshop is continued up to 31st May 2013. DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (Main Workshop) This workshop was conducted by Prof. S. Sudarshan from May 21st, 2013 to May 31st, 2013 Introduction: An important initiative has been taken […]


Imagine cup 2013 National Finals award Ceremony

Students of Anurag Group of Institutions attended“Imagine cup 2013 National Finals award Ceremony” Imagine Cup is an annual competition sponsored and hosted by Microsoft Corp. which brings together young technologists worldwide to help resolve some of the world’s toughest challenges. All Imagine Cup competitors create projects that address the Imagine Cup theme: “Imagine a world […]

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Microsoft Cloud Coach Visited Anurag Group of Institutions as part of it’s Hyderabad visit.

Microsoft Cloud Coach is covering 21 cities through out India as part of their programme to make the Industry and Institutions to be aware of latest Technologies like Cloud Computing. The Cloud coach visited Anurag Group of Institutions as part of it’s Hyderabad visit. In this Programme from the college about 200 Students participated.