

A seminar on Grass Root Level Innovations – Entrepreneurship development was held on Aug 14, 2014.

A seminar on Grass Root Level Innovations – Entrepreneurship development was held on 14.08.2014 by Brig (Retd) Ganesham, Palle Srujana and Mr. Kranthi Kumar , Idea Studio for all the students interested in Entrepreneurship and developing community projects. The seminar addressed the issue of importance of entrepreneurship and the need for creating products for the […]


INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY -2014 on Aug 08,2014.

Anurag Group of Institutions NSS Programme Officer and 77 volunteers are participated in a rally form Sundaraiah Park, Baghlingampalli to RTC Kala Bhavan Bhaghlingampally to highlight the significance of International Youth Day- 2014. “Youth and Mental Health” and NSS Programme Officer felicitated by Chief guest for the best NSS Programme officer (C.MALLESHA) form JNTUH,Hyderabad. On […]


CVSR -CSI Student chapter organized a one day workshop on “Ethical Hacking” on 8th Aug 2014.

This workshop was conducted for student’s of III year CSE and around 120 students were participated. Mr.Baba shaheer is an Entreprene Ethical Hacker, Author, Founder & CEO of VAULTRIX. The main aim of the workshop discussed about the aware of the cyber attacks and malware that can attack our system and how we can protect […]

B.Tech 3-2 RESULTS

h6-1-III B.Tech. II Semester (R09) Regular h6-2-III B.Tech. II Semester (R05) Supplementary h6-2-III B.Tech. II Semester (R09) Regular h6-3-III B.Tech. II Semester (R07) Supplementary h6-3-III B.Tech. II Semester (R09) Regular h6-4-III B.Tech. II Semester (R05) Supplementary h6-4-III B.Tech. II Semester (R09) Regular h6-5-III B.Tech. II Semester (R05) Supplementary h6-5-III B.Tech. II Semester (R07) Supplementary h6-5-III […]