

I M.PHARM I SEM (13 BATCH & 12 BATCH) SUPPLY MEMO-2014. hcp1sup2012memo hcp1sup2013memo ip1sup2012memo paqa1sup2012memo paqa1sup2013memo pharmacology1sup2013memo pmra1sup2013memo I M.PHARM II SEMESTER (REGULAR) MEMO-2014 hcp2regmemo paqa2regmemo pharmaceutics2regmemo pharmacology2regmemo pmra2regmemo I M.TECH I SEM (13 BATCH) & (12 BATCH) SUPPLY MEMO-2014. cadcam1sup2013memo cs1sup2013memo cse1sup2012memo cse1sup2013memo ece1sup2012memo ece1sup2013memo eps1sup2013memo es1sup2012memo es1sup2013memo md1sup2013memo peed1sup2012memo peed1sup2013memo se1sup2012memo se1sup2013memo struct1sup2012memo […]


ISF 2015

CVSR SPEED has announced to submit the documents for selecting the students to participate in 2nd Indian Student Forum on 12th November. CVSR SPEED committee has received 40 applications from the members who are interested to attend 2nd ISF on 18th November. After taking various aspects like action plan implementation, presentations, their resumes, action plan […]


Blood Donation Camp held on 21st November, 2014.

On the occasion of 53rd National Pharmacy Week Anurag Group of Institution & School of Pharmacy in Association with NSS Organized BLOOD DONATION CAMP on 21-11-2014 and donated 161 units Blood. BLOOD DONATION CAMP was inaugurated by Prof.M.Bhagvanth Rao, DR.Vasudha Principal Lalitha Pharmacy, DR.A.P.Rao, S.Krishna and NSS Programme Officer and NSS Volunteers participated.