
MBA 2012-14 External Viva-Voce Examination Schedule

S.No University Roll Number Student Name Viva Date 1 10H61E0071 G. Mahadev 05.02.2015 2 11H61E0020 I Madhu 05.02.2015 3 11H61E00A0 A Santosh 05.02.2015 4 12H61E0001 A Prashant Reddy 05.02.2015 5 12H61E0002 A.S.R.S VINOD KUMAR 05.02.2015 6 12H61E0003 B Tejaswi 31.01.2015 7 12H61E0004 B Manohar 31.01.2015 8 12H61E0006 B Poshakala 31.01.2015 9 12H61E0007 B Haritha Rani […]

Membership drive for academic year 2015-16

The membership drive was conducted for B.Tech I/II/III Year students of all the departments present in CVSR College of Engineering. The chapter body took initiative to go to each class and create awareness about SPEED to have many students associate with the group. After this the membership drive was conducted for the first year students. […]