67th Independence Day
67th Independence Day Celebrated at Anurag Group of Institutions. The program was organised by NSS. Flag Hoisting was done by. Prof. M Bhagavanth Rao(Director for Anurag Group of Institutions) . Director Mr Prakash V K Diwan and Principal Prof M Mutha Reddy presented the prizes to the students who won in Rangoli, Elocution and poster […]

Free Health Camp at Anurag Group of Institutions From 10th to 12th July, 2013.

Swami Vivekananda Ratha Yathra 2012 – 2014 reached on 16th March,2013.
Swami Vivekananda Ratha Yathra 2012 – 2014 Reached At Anurag Group of Institutions on 16th March,2013. Organized A Programme By National Service Scheme. Chief Guest From Ramakrishna Mutt Hyd Shitikanthananda And Niyamachaitanya , AGI Principal Prof.M.Mutha Reddy , NSS Programme Officer C.Mallesh, Academic Coordinator M.Srinivas Rao, All The Faculty And Students Participated.

The Blood Donation Camp conducted by NSS at AGI on March 13, 2013.
The Blood Donation Camp conducted by NSS at AGI on March 13,2013 250 members were blood donated to Dilsuknagar Incident Supported Blood Banks Through Lions Clubs Principal : Prof.M.Muthareddy Chairman:Dr.P.Rajeshwar reddy Director:Prof.Bhagavanthrao NSS Programme Officer : C.Mallesh presented

Women’s Day Celebrated on March-08-2013 at Anurag Group of Institutions.
Chief Guest:Prof.M.Sulochana former Dean faculty of commerce, ou, hyd, Principal Prof.M.Muthareddy Chairman Dr.P.Rajeshwar Reddy NSS Programme Officer:C.Mallesh and faculty members participated.

NSS Special Camp From 17-02-2013 to 23-02-2013.

Seminar on International Student Leadership Day On 02-02-2013 at JNTUH
Seminar on International Student Leadership Day On 02-02-2013 at JNTUH Organized by UICC,JNTUH. Programme Co-Ordinated by NSS,AGI. Students and faculty members were participated this programme from AGI.

Martyr’s day at AGI
AGI NSS observed the Martyr’s Day of Bapu with great sublimity on 30-01-2013. Two-minute prayer was observed in the college campus. College chairman Dr. P. Rajeshwar Reddy, Secretary/Correspondent Mrs. S. Neelima, Prof. Rama Reddy, Prof. M. Mutha Reddy, Principal, G.Vishnumurthy, HOD CSE, P. Ravinder Rao, HOD MCA, NSS Officer C Mallesha, Administrative Officer Mr Pradeep […]